Pastor's Blog

Sunday Strong Week 2

May 9, 2024

It’s Thursday. It’s been four full days since we experienced a moving time of worshiping God together. You turned out for the first day of “Sunday Strong” in May and it was clear that so many of you had prepared your hearts. There seemed to be an expectant spirit among us; a belief that God was going to do something special.

And He did. His love was on display in so many ways as He worked in and through each of you. We sang praises to Him, showed appreciation for our brothers and sisters who serve with our kids and teens, gave generously, and then we settled in for some time in His Word as we focused on the person and work of the Holy Spirit. He is the one who produces love, joy and peace in our lives! We cannot do it on our own.

Four days later, I wonder if you’ve experienced what I’ve experienced:  as the week has moved on, I’ve found myself not relying as much on the Spirit as I did on Sunday. It’s almost as if I’m slipping a bit each day. So this morning, I went back to John 14-16 and spent some time reading Jesus’ words about abiding in him and the amazing gift of the Holy Spirit. That was time well spent.

As I said a few weeks ago, I understand that living and working in this world is difficult. Many of you spend hours each day with people who do not know Jesus and have no real desire to follow him. That presents opportunities to share the Gospel, but it also puts pressure on you that can pull you down. Know that I’m praying for you as you seek to abide in Christ each day. And if you need someone who will listen and pray with you, I’m a phone call away. Though far better than that is the direct line you have to God in prayer!

I encourage you to once again purpose in your heart this week to be Sunday Strong and gather together at Pea Ridge to grow in your relationship with God and other believers. Also, it’s important that you prepare your heart for this very important time of your week. This Sunday is Mother’s Day so of course we will be celebrating our moms while also focusing on the next three types of fruit produced by the Spirit in our lives:  patience, kindness and goodness. I’ll see you on Sunday morning!

-Pastor Dan