Bible Meditation

Meditating on God's Word

One aspect of learning to feed ourselves with God’s Word is meditation. Whereas the inductive method of Bible study might seem more academic, meditation is focused more on a spiritual encounter with God. You will likely find there is some crossover. In using the meditation method below (called “BREAD” and adapted from Reality Church San Fransisco), you are encouraged to choose a paragraph from the day’s reading as an area of focus and then narrow that down to one specific verse.

Below you will find a modern take on an ancient approach of prayerfully engaging with Scriptures in order to hear God’s personal word to you. In each movement of BREAD, we encourage you to be present to the Spirit, because what we seek is not simply information, or even motivation, but communion and union with God.

Be Still

Find a place where you can encounter God, ask him to fill the space, and then take a moment in stillness. Fix your eyes on Jesus and invite the Holy Spirit to guide your time.


Read through the passage for the day with an open mind and heart allowing the words to settle into your being. Reread the passage again slowly.


Taking your chosen verse, begin to meditate on it. What comes to mind and how does it make you feel? What do you think God is trying to reveal to you through this verse? Allow him to speak to your heart and mind.


Now, turn your focus outward; think about how you might be able to apply this to your day. Write down the one thing you’re going to try and live out.


Finally, close by writing a simple prayer of devotion to God. Ask God to fill you afresh and commit your day to him.