Dan Londeree
Dan Londeree has a heart for discipleship within the local church: seeing people come to know Christ and helping them walk according to the teachings and life example of Jesus. He has served as the pastor at Pea Ridge Baptist Church since 2015 and loves to communicate God’s word through sermons, life groups, and personal conversations. Dan’s wife, Jennifer, also shares a heart for discipleship and loves the study and application of the Bible. She works at Cabell Midland High School as the show choir director and serves in the worship and children’s ministries at Pea Ridge. Dan and Jennifer are passionate about serving God together in all aspects of life, especially in their relationships with their daughters Emma and Claire.
Cari Reed
Office Manager
Cari has used her administrative and organizational gifts as office manager at Pea Ridge since 2018. She prepares the payroll and tracks finances for the church, handles a variety of communication and helps organize many aspects of the ministry. Cari and Mark are faithful followers of Christ and invest themselves in raising their daughter, Jenna.
Zach Stevens
Youth Ministry Director
Zach is a Huntington, WV native and a graduate of Marshall University. He and his family have been members at Pea Ridge Baptist since 2008, and he has been involved with the youth group in various roles since 2017. Zach was married to his lovely wife Kasey in 2018 and they had a beautiful baby girl named Mia in 2021. He works as a manager at HoneyBaked Ham Co. restaurant, and in his free time, he enjoys spending time with family and friends, watching football and playing video games. Zach's passion as a youth director is to equip middle and high schoolers with the tools Jesus has provided through Scripture so that they can go out into the world with courage and share the love of Christ. His favorite verse is Joshua 1:9, which says, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous; do not be dismayed. For the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

Levi Casto
Children's Ministry Director
Levi’s desire is to see the next generation develop a personal and authentic relationship with Jesus Christ. Growing up in West Virginia and the various ministries of the West Virginia Baptist Convention (such as Camp Cowen), he has spent much of the last 10 years serving within family and children’s ministries through a variety of roles. Levi and his wife Hannah have been married since 2018 and Hannah will soon be working as a pediatrician at Valley Health. Together Levi and Hannah have a heart to serve families and provide them with the care they need to grow into an ever deepening relationship with Christ. (Levi is working remotely until July 2025 when he and Hannah move back to the area.)