
Pea Ridge News | September 2024

Focus on Vision

by Dan Londeree, pastor
The preaching of God’s Word is a central part of what we do in our church. Presenting truth from the Bible helps to form who we are. The interaction of believers also helps to form who we are, but it receives far less time on Sunday mornings. As our church renewal team has asked God to reveal a new vision for our church, we have invited you to participate in praying with us and sharing what God shows you. Along the way, He led us to the idea of hosting focus groups on a Sunday morning to give you an additional opportunity to do this.
On Sunday, Aug. 18, during the time that is normally dedicated to sharing a sermon, we hosted five different groups throughout the building. I want to thank everyone who helped pull this together and everyone who participated. We received a great amount of input from you and our leadership team came together a few days later to hear a summary and continue to seek God’s path forward for our church. We understand that not everyone was able to participate that day, so we have created another way for you to share answers to the questions that were asked in the groups that day. Below is a link you can click on that will give you access to an online form that you can use to do this. Please submit your answers by Sunday, Sept. 8.
As we continue to focus on becoming a church of restored hearts, renewed relationships and revived compassion, I’m asking each of you to commit to this effort. Continue to pray and ask God to work. If you missed the sermon I shared on August 25, take time to listen to it by clicking on the link below. On Sunday mornings, come early and stay late to spend time in conversation with people you know and people you don’t know. Invite your family, friends, classmates, neighbors and coworkers to join you on Sundays and in your life group. Prepare your heart each day, asking the Holy Spirit to move in your life and the lives of others. Together, let’s live in such a way that cannot be explained!

Worship Ministry Update

by Luke Creasy, director of worship ministries
I was listening to a live, spoken-word track recorded at a Brooke Ligertwood concert titled “Hear and See” and for about three minutes, I was captivated by what was shared.

When reading from from a book called “Discipleship on Edge” which walks through the book of Revelation, Ligertwood shares the author Darrell Johnson’s belief that John’s writing must be heard in order to be seen, that is, read aloud so that our minds can create an image of the scenes described.

The pivotal image in the book is of the Lamb on the Throne described in Chapter 5, the rest of the book means little without this image in mind.

Revelation 5:6-9
And between the throne and the four living creatures and among the elders I saw a Lamb standing, as though it had been slain, with seven horns and with seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent out into all the earth. And he went and took the scroll from the right hand of him who was seated on the throne. And when he had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each holding a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. [9] And they sang a new song, saying,
“Worthy are you to take the scroll
and to open its seals,
for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God
from every tribe and language and people and nation,

Ligertwood closes with this statement, which I often refer back to when preparing my own heart for worship — that it would become my desire every single time we, as a worship team, take the stage:

“As these songs are propelled forth, as they are heard, that people would see The Lamb.”

Youth Ministry Update

by Zach Stevens, director of youth ministry
This fall, the youth group will be exploring a new lesson series called “Who He Is,” focused on the life of Jesus from the prophecies declaring His birth all the way through his life and ministry and wrapping up with His eventual return. The C.R.E.W. (Christians, Ready, Eager, and Willing) is inviting any member of our congregation who has a passion for discipleship to come and lead a week of teaching time on a Wednesday night this fall. Please text Zach Stevens at 304-654-5331 if you are interested in serving this way.

The West Virginia Baptist Convention is hosting two major events this fall for youth ministry groups in the state:
  • Fall Rally is September 13-14 at Camp Cowen and is open to students in 6-12 grade
  • Senior High Convention will be November 8-10 at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Charleston and is open to students in grades 9-12

Please contact Zach for more information about either of these events.

Children's Ministry Update

by Sadie Creasy, director of children’s ministry
A huge shout out to Ben Atkins, Blair Armstrong, Lilly Werthammer, and Ryleigh James for getting up on stage and sharing their experience at Camp Cowen! They definitely shared the best parts of attending camp in the summer!

Thank you to my parents and my kiddos who moved classrooms this month, too. Moving up can sometimes be a scary thing but they are all doing awesome! Our main goal is to help them grow spiritually and I can’t wait to hear about what all they learn in their new classes.

Faith Stories: J.W. Bowen

I was raised by a Christian mother and a father who respected the church and believed the facts about Jesus and God but was more influenced by hypocrisy in the people he worked with so he didn’t attend church. Mom took me to church every Sunday until I broke her heart when I was about age ten and I asked her, “If dad doesn’t go to church, how come I have to?” So she allowed me to stay home.

Fast forward seven years and I was playing high school baseball. The previous night several of my teammates were saved at a revival (yes I am that old) at the round church on route 60. It was then known as Souls For Christ. They invited me to the second night and at that time I had no interest in going to church but I said yes. The preacher was a minister named Parker. I have no idea what he preached about because I was under conviction the whole time. When they gave the altar call, I ran down the aisle. Someone prayed with me and I gave my heart to Christ.
I closely associate my faith with baseball for another reason. Another teammate, Brady “Butch” Lipscomb invited me to Pea Ridge Baptist for a very holy reason. To play on the church softball team! Butch also introduced me to his kid sister Paula who is now my wife. She gave me two wonderful daughters, Karen and Lindsay. We have all been baptized at PRBC. I had periods of backsliding but God never gave up on me. After teaching Sunday school several years, I was asked to serve on the deacon board. I really felt unworthy. But an older and wiser deacon told me, “If you feel worthy, you shouldn’t be a deacon!” So I said yes.

I feel God has gifted me to teach children. I love trying to impart God’s love for them and help them give their lives to Christ and help them grow. I’m grateful to teachers, deacons, and pastors who have helped me grow in my faith. But I am most grateful to God who gave his one and only Son so that I can live forever with him. The End (but it’s really only the beginning).

September Calendar of Events

Wednesday, September 4, 5:30 p.m.
Emergency Response Team meeting (downstairs meeting room)
Sunday, September 8, 10:45 a.m.
Grandparents Day Celebration | Communion (Sanctuary)
Monday, September 9 - Friday, September 13
Church parking lot repaving
Wednesday, September 11, 6:30 p.m.
Due to parking lot work, all Wednesday ministries will take place at Barboursville Park, Shelter 8 by the lake
Sunday, September 15, 2-4 p.m.
Bridal shower for Sarah Warnock, daughter of Bob and Kim Warnock (Fratelli's restaurant, Barboursville) Wedding Registry 
Monday, September 16, 6 p.m.
Church council (downstairs meeting room)
Wednesday, September 18, 12 p.m.
Golden Group Luncheon (Barboursville Park)
Sunday, September 29, 9-10:20 a.m.
Community breakfast (fellowship hall) | Bring a breakfast dish to share