Sunday, July 28, 2024


Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb through the middle of the street of the city … (Revelation 22:1–2a)

Songs for Worship

Battle Belongs
Who You Say I Am
Jesus Only Jesus
Living Hope

Prayer Card

For the last six weeks, our Renewal Team has been praying and seeking God’s guidance for Pea Ridge Baptist Church and we want you to join us in praying for His will for our future and then share with us what God is revealing to you.  We are excited to see how He leads us! You can complete a prayer card located in the pews and turn it in at the Connection Center or click below to submit your information electronically.

Welcome Team

Do you remember what it was like when you first came to our church? Chances are, someone made you feel welcome. You can share God’s love in that same way by joining our welcome team and ensuring that everyone who comes into our church is greeted by a friendly face and receives the information they need to learn more about what God is doing here at Pea Ridge. If you are interested in serving on this team, please email Cari in the church office at prbc@pearidgebaptist.

Water Game Night

On Wednesday, July 31 the youth group and elementary kids will join together for water game night on the back parking lot! If you have a child or teen who isn’t currently a part of our mid-week ministries, we’d love to have them join us for this fun-filled evening!

Bridal Shower for Sarah Warnock

Join us at Fratelli’s on August 10 at 2 p.m. to celebrate the upcoming marriage of Sarah Warnock (daughter of Bob and Kim Warnock) and Jacob Grimes!  To access their wedding registry, click below.

Deacon of the Month

The deacon of the month handles pastoral care emergencies when our pastor is unavailable. We ask that you pray for our deacons, and please know they are praying for you!

Brian Morrison

Deaconess of the Month

Our deaconesses work alongside the deacons and pastor to provide support for families in our church. They are also available to provide spiritual support for ladies in the church.

Laura Armstrong

Mark Your Calendars
2024 Upcoming Events

July 31 @ 6:30 p.m.
Ridge Kids*, Upstairs Classroom
C.R.E.W.*, Youth Room
Adult Midweek Gathering*, Downstairs Meeting Room
Neighborhood Prayer Walk*, Back Parking Lot
August 5 @ 10 a.m.
Preteen Girls Ministry Nature Walk
Shelter #9, Barboursville Park

August 10 @ 2 p.m.
Wedding Shower Luncheon for Sarah Warnock & Jacob Grimes, Fratelli's

August 11
Back to School Sunday 

*Each week at the same date and time unless otherwise indicated

June 2024 Financial Snapshot

General Offering: $29,602

One Time Gift:  

General Expenses: $43,340

Monthly Budget: $28,178

2024 Year to Date

General Offering: $173,529

One Time Gift:  $97,354

General Expenses: $208,824

2024 Budget: $169,068