Church Renewal

Church Renewal Process

In every passage of scripture, we witness a theme of movement. There's the physical journey as individuals transition from their current location to where God intends them to be. Simultaneously, there's a spiritual progression marked by growth and maturity. God's call for movement persists today. As a church, our mandate is to influence our community and the world, guiding people from their present state to where God intends them to be — from their current actions to aligning with God's will. The perpetual movement within the local congregation is fundamental to our devotion to God. Our commitment lies in aligning our actions with God's purpose, mission, and vision for our collective journey. Understanding our past, present, and future is crucial as we undertake this endeavor.

Renew Transformational Strategies is helping our church to emphasize harnessing our heritage, engaging with the present, and embracing our future with joy. The church renewal process spans one year and centers on three key areas: the pastor and staff, volunteer leaders, and the congregation as a whole. Each area will receive attention aimed at fostering leadership development and enhancing organizational health. Renew is guiding our church through a series of steps involving assessment, vision discernment, and strategic planning. The outcome is a church led by leaders equipped with enhanced leadership skills and a clear understanding within the whole church of where God is leading them. To accomplish this, our church has chosen a leadership team consisting of the pastor and other key leaders to work with Renew for this year.
As we move forward as Pea Ridge Baptist Church, we are dedicated to seeking God’s guidance through prayer and discernment. We invite you to join us in praying for His will for our future. As you pray, please use the submission box to share with the Renewal Team any insights or messages you receive from God. Specifically, pray for guidance on what God wants us to become and what He wants us to do in the coming years to be a church that pleases Him. Lord, who do you want us to be? Lord, what do you want us to do?

Leadership Team

Dan Londeree, pastor

Cari Reed, office manager

Luke Creasy, worship ministry director

Zach Stevens, youth ministry director

Sadie Creasy, children's ministry director

Chris Atkins

Jennifer Londeree

Katie Losh

Tamara Meadows

Brian Morrison

Michelle Norweck

Randy Urian


Church Health Assessment summary from Sunday, June 9, 2024

Church Health Assessment detailed report